package com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.catalogue.helpers;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.catalogue.batch.reporter.Reporter;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.catalogue.models.EnrichedGlassesCSV;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.catalogue.models.GlassesCSV;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.catalogue.utils.GlassesUtil;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.entities.Classe;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.entities.TypeMateriau;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.entities.TypeVerre;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.entities.catalogue.DistributeurCatalogue;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.entities.catalogue.FabricantCatalogue;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.entities.catalogue.ModeleVerreCatalogue;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.repositories.ClasseRepository;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.repositories.catalogue.DistributeurCatalogueRepository;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.repositories.catalogue.FabricantCatalogueRepository;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.repositories.catalogue.ModeleVerreCatalogueRepository;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.repositories.TypeMateriauRepository;
import com.sintia.ffl.admin.optique.dal.repositories.TypeVerreRepository;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.Optional;
public class ModeleVerreHelper {
private TypeVerreRepository typeVerreRepository;
private TypeMateriauRepository typeMateriauRepository;
private ClasseRepository classeRepository;
private ModeleVerreCatalogueRepository modeleVerreRepository;
private DistributeurCatalogueRepository distributeurRepository;
private FabricantCatalogueRepository fabricantRepository;
private ModeleVerreService modeleVerreService;
private GlassesUtil glassesUtil;
* Retrieve a new {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass,
* that then can be insert in the database
* @param enrichedGlass - Correspond to the data read from an enriched catalog
* file
* @param seizable - indicate if the new {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} should tag has
* seizable or not
* @param creationDate - the date used for all the date type fields
* @param reporter - The reporter that will log the error encounter during
* the {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} generation
* @return A new {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass,
* or null if a functional error occurs (the error will then be logged
* thru the reporter)
public ModeleVerreCatalogue getModeleVerreToCreate(EnrichedGlassesCSV enrichedGlass, boolean seizable,
LocalDateTime creationDate, Reporter reporter) {
if (enrichedGlass == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't generate a new 'ModeleVerre' from a 'null' EnrichedGlassesCSV");
TypeVerre glassType = typeVerreRepository.findBycTypeVerre(enrichedGlass.getGeometry());
TypeMateriau material = typeMateriauRepository.findBycTypeMateriau(enrichedGlass.getMaterial());
if (enrichedGlass.getClassCode() == null) {
reporter.addError(String.format("La classe du verre %s/%s/%s est absente du fichier.",
enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), enrichedGlass.getMaker(), enrichedGlass.getProvider()));
return null;
Classe glassClass = classeRepository.findByCode(enrichedGlass.getClassCode());
if (glassClass == null){
if (reporter != null) {
reporter.addError(String.format("Le verre %s/%s/%s est associé à une classe inexistante : '%s'.",
enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), enrichedGlass.getMaker(), enrichedGlass.getProvider(),
return null;
String seizableStr = seizable ? "1" : "0";
String cModele = glassesUtil.getCModele(enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), enrichedGlass.getMaker(), enrichedGlass.getProvider());
Optional<DistributeurCatalogue> distributeur = distributeurRepository.findBycOptoCodeDistributeur(enrichedGlass.getProvider());
Optional<FabricantCatalogue> fabricant = fabricantRepository.findBycodeOptoCodeFabricant(enrichedGlass.getMaker());
ModeleVerreCatalogue modeleVerre = new ModeleVerreCatalogue(
glassClass.getIdClasse(),,, material.getIdTypeMateriau(),
glassType.getIdTypeVerre(), cModele, enrichedGlass.getGlassName(), enrichedGlass.getRefractiveIndex(),
seizableStr, creationDate, creationDate, enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), null,
creationDate, enrichedGlass.getStartDate());
if (enrichedGlass.isSurfaceType()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(modeleVerre, "AS", creationDate);
if (enrichedGlass.isHardened()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(modeleVerre, "DU", creationDate);
if (enrichedGlass.isAntiReflection()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(modeleVerre, "SAR", creationDate);
if (enrichedGlass.isPhotochromic()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(modeleVerre, "PR", creationDate);
if (enrichedGlass.isTinted()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(modeleVerre, "CO", creationDate);
return modeleVerre;
* Retrieve the {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass,
* and update only the columns indicated in the columns parameter.<br>
* The column "bSaisie" is also updated if the previous value was 0.<br>
* The columns "dMaj" and "dMajCatalogue" are always updated with the given date
* @param enrichedGlass - Correspond to the data read from an enriched catalog
* file and must correspond to an existing glass in the
* database
* @param date - the date use for the dMaj and dMajCatalogue field, and
* potentially the dDemandeSupp
* @param columns - A string array where each element is the id of the
* column to update.
* @return A {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass, but
* updated
public ModeleVerreCatalogue getModeleVerreToUpdate(EnrichedGlassesCSV enrichedGlass, LocalDateTime date, String[] columns,
Reporter reporter)
throws IllegalArgumentException {
ModeleVerreCatalogue glass = modeleVerreRepository.findByCodeOptoVerreAndCodeOptoDistributeurAndCodeOptoFabricant(enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(),
enrichedGlass.getProvider(), enrichedGlass.getMaker()).get();
if ("0".equals(glass.getBSaisie())) {
for (String column : columns) {
switch (column) {
case "C4":
if (enrichedGlass.getClassCode() == null) {
reporter.addError(String.format("La classe du verre %s/%s/%s est absente du fichier.",
enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), enrichedGlass.getMaker(), enrichedGlass.getProvider()));
return null;
Classe glassClass = classeRepository.findByCode(enrichedGlass.getClassCode());
if (glassClass == null && reporter != null) {
reporter.addError(String.format("Le verre %s/%s/%s est associé à une classe inexistante : '%s'.",
enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), enrichedGlass.getMaker(), enrichedGlass.getProvider(),
return null;
case "C6":
case "C8":
TypeVerre glassType = typeVerreRepository.findBycTypeVerre(enrichedGlass.getGeometry());
case "C10":
TypeMateriau material = typeMateriauRepository.findBycTypeMateriau(enrichedGlass.getMaterial());
case "C12":
if (enrichedGlass.isSurfaceType()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(glass, "AS", date);
} else {
modeleVerreService.deleteVerreTraitementIntegresAsso(glass, "AS");
case "C14":
if (enrichedGlass.isHardened()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(glass, "DU", date);
} else {
modeleVerreService.deleteVerreTraitementIntegresAsso(glass, "DU");
case "C16":
if (enrichedGlass.isAntiReflection()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(glass, "SAR", date);
} else {
modeleVerreService.deleteVerreTraitementIntegresAsso(glass, "SAR");
case "C18":
if (enrichedGlass.isPhotochromic()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(glass, "PR", date);
} else {
modeleVerreService.deleteVerreTraitementIntegresAsso(glass, "PR");
case "C20":
case "C22":
if (enrichedGlass.isTinted()) {
modeleVerreService.generateTraitIntegresAsso(glass, "CO", date);
} else {
modeleVerreService.deleteVerreTraitementIntegresAsso(glass, "CO");
String.format("Le verre %s/%s/%s, est flagué avec une colonne incorrecte : '%s'",
enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(), enrichedGlass.getMaker(),
enrichedGlass.getProvider(), column));
return null;
if (enrichedGlass.getStartDate() != null) {
} else {
if (enrichedGlass.getExpiryDate() != null) {
} else {
return glass;
* Retrieve the {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass,
* and tag it as '(re)activate' by :
* <ul>
* <li>Setting the bSaisie to 1 if it previously was 0</li>
* <li>Updating both the dMaj and dMajCatalogue with the given date</li>
* <li>Removing the dDemandeSupp if none in input, or updating the value with
* the new one</li>
* </ul>
* @param enrichedGlass - Correspond to the data read from an enriched catalog
* file and must correspond to an existing glass in the
* database
* @param date - the date use for the dMaj and dMajCatalogue field
* @return A {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass, but
* tag as '(re)activate'
public ModeleVerreCatalogue getModeleVerreToReactivate(EnrichedGlassesCSV enrichedGlass, LocalDateTime date) {
ModeleVerreCatalogue glass = modeleVerreRepository.findByCodeOptoVerreAndCodeOptoDistributeurAndCodeOptoFabricant(enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(),
enrichedGlass.getProvider(), enrichedGlass.getMaker()).get();
if ("0".equals(glass.getBSaisie())) {
if (enrichedGlass.getExpiryDate() != null) {
} else {
return glass;
* Retrieve the {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass,
* and tag it as 'to expire' by updating its dDemandeSupp.<br>
* The expiryDate is set to the one define in the enrichedGlass, unless it isn't
* defined, then use the given date
* @param enrichedGlass - Correspond to the data read from an enriched catalog
* file and must correspond to an existing glass in the
* database
* @param date - the date use for the dMaj and dMajCatalogue field, and
* potentially the dDemandeSupp
* @return A {@link ModeleVerreCatalogue} corresponding to the given enrichedGlass, but
* tag as 'to expire'
public ModeleVerreCatalogue getModeleVerreToExpire(EnrichedGlassesCSV enrichedGlass, LocalDateTime date) {
ModeleVerreCatalogue glass = modeleVerreRepository.findByCodeOptoVerreAndCodeOptoDistributeurAndCodeOptoFabricant(enrichedGlass.getGlassOptoCode(),
enrichedGlass.getProvider(), enrichedGlass.getMaker()).get();
if (enrichedGlass.getExpiryDate() != null) {
} else {
return glass;
* Calculate the action code delta for the given enrichedGlasses<br>
* The returned value can be :
* <ul>
* <li>SA : nothing to do</li>
* <li>C : the glasses must be created</li>
* <li>MAJDDP : the glasses expiry date must be updated</li>
* <li>some column numbers, separated by ',' : the corresponding column in the
* enriched catalog must be updated</li>
* </ul>
* @param enrichedGlasses
* @return
public String calculateActionCodeDelta(EnrichedGlassesCSV enrichedGlasses) {
String result;
if (!modeleVerreService.exist(enrichedGlasses.getMaker(), enrichedGlasses.getProvider(), enrichedGlasses.getGlassOptoCode())) {
if ("S".equals(enrichedGlasses.getAction())) {
result = "SA";
} else {
result = "C";
} else {
if ("S".equals(enrichedGlasses.getAction())) {
result = "MAJDDP";
} else {
result = "SA";
String column = "";
if (!enrichedGlasses.getClassCode()
.equals(enrichedGlasses.getClassCodeRepo())) {
column += "C4,";
if (!enrichedGlasses.getGlassName()
.equals(enrichedGlasses.getGlassNameRepo())) {
column += "C6,";
if (!enrichedGlasses.getGeometry()
.equals(enrichedGlasses.getGeometryRepo())) {
column += "C8,";
if (!enrichedGlasses.getMaterial()
.equals(enrichedGlasses.getMaterialRepo())) {
column += "C10,";
if (enrichedGlasses.isSurfaceType() != enrichedGlasses.isSurfaceTypeRepo()) {
column += "C12,";
if (enrichedGlasses.isHardened() != enrichedGlasses.isHardenedRepo()) {
column += "C14,";
if (enrichedGlasses.isAntiReflection() != enrichedGlasses.isAntiReflectionRepo()) {
column += "C16,";
if (enrichedGlasses.isPhotochromic() != enrichedGlasses.isPhotochromicRepo()) {
column += "C18,";
if (!enrichedGlasses.getRefractiveIndex()
.equals(enrichedGlasses.getRefractiveIndexRepo())) {
column += "C20,";
if (enrichedGlasses.isTinted() != enrichedGlasses.isTintedRepo()) {
column += "C22,";
if (!"".equals(column)) {
result = column.substring(0, column.length() - 1);
return result;
* Expire in the database the glass corresponding to the given glassCSV, by
* setting the current date in its dDemandeSupp field
* @param glassCSV contains the id for the glass to expire
public void expireGlass(GlassesCSV glassCSV, LocalDateTime expireDate) {
if (glassCSV != null) {
ModeleVerreCatalogue mdlVerre = modeleVerreRepository.findByCodeOptoVerreAndCodeOptoDistributeurAndCodeOptoFabricant(glassCSV.getGlassOptoCode(),
glassCSV.getProvider(), glassCSV.getMaker()).get();
} else {
log.warn("The given glass is null, can't expire it.");